An analysis of the level of standardized Black-White mean differences on predictors of job performance: Verifying some perceptions and correcting others. A meta-analysis of interviews and cognitive ability: Back to the future? Journal of Personnel Psychology, 12, 157-169. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86, 394-409. Situational judgment tests: The influence and importance of applicant status and targeted constructs on estimates of Black - White subgroup differences. "Can we have fun work? The role of intrinsic motivation for utilitarian systems." European Journal of Information Systems, 22, 360-380. Differential validity for cognitive ability tests: Not much more than range restriction? Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 1-20. H., Buster, M., Robbins, S., & Campion, M. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 38, 1159-1185. Looking toward the future of IT-business strategic alignment through the past: A meta-analysis. (As of December 2017, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year on the Web of Science). (Featured in Time, Business & Money, "Will Your Facebook Profile Sabotage Your Job Search?" 14 November, 2013 Interview, Fox Carolina, 21 January 2014). Social media in employee selection: Research needs and reasons for caution in uncharted territory. Featured in Time, Business & Money, "Will Your Facebook Profile Sabotage Your Job Search?" 14 November, 2013 Forbes on line, "Facebook Isn't Actually A Good Way To Judge Potential Employees, Say Researchers," 1 January 2014 Facebook Isn't a Good Way to Judge Potential Employees, Business Insider, 6 January, 2014). (Reprinted In: Work and organizational psychology: Research methodology. Social media for selection? Validity and adverse impact potential of a Facebook-based assessment. Statistical power of various adverse impact indices. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57, 250-255. Carrots, not sticks: Adverse impact and wellness programs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 802-828. Who r u: On the (In)accuracy of incumbent based estimates of range restriction in criterion-related and differential validity research. Hispanic and Asian performance on selection procedures: A narrative and meta-analytic review of 12 common predictors. H., DeOrtentiis, P., Hackney, K., Zhang, L., & Buster, M. (highlighted in London School of Economics invited blog: "I vote left, you vote right: How can we work together? ). The role of political affiliation in employment decisions: A model and research agenda. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10, 479-485. On the mystery (or myth) of challenging principles and methods of Validity Generalization (VG) based on fragmentary knowledge and improper or outdated practices of VG. A meta-analysis of gender proportional representation in job performance for field studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 644-658.

Using beta coefficients in meta-analysis: Biased mean and true standard deviation estimates. His current research methods interests focus on the application of meta-analysis. Phil is interested in content areas such as organizational staffing, the impact of social media in organizations, and how political affiliation influences organizational decisions.Our Building show submenu for Our Building.College Directory show submenu for College Directory.Departments show submenu for Departments.Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.Academic Advising show submenu for Academic Advising.Current Students show submenu for Current Students.Community for Undergraduate Business Students (CUBS).Visit the College show submenu for Visit the College.