This greeting means “Good evening,” and is typically used around or after sundown.The most well-known greeting in Japanese, it simply means “Hello.” This greeting is used during the afternoon.The shortened, more casual ohayō(おはよう) should only be used with family or close friends. This the formal way of saying “Good morning,” to be used with greeting someone you either have never met before, or do not have a close relationship with.This phrase can mean “How are you doing?” or “Are you okay?” It is generally said when greeting someone you see on a regular basis.When meeting someone for the first time, this is the phrase used for “Nice to meet you.”.Instead of interpreting plurality of meaning as a negative, you can look at the positive side and consider it a plus.Hajimemashite(はじめまして), Nice To Meet You (For the first time meeting) If you make a Japanese friend, it can be fun to use it in all kinds of situations, both positive and negative.Īs you can see, these four Japanese expressions can be used in many different situations, some of which could come in handy when you're visiting Japan. This is the only slang expression among the four, so it's only appropriate among friends or close colleagues (and not your boss or a stranger). It's a fixed expression that colleagues say before they leave the office at the end of the day but it can also be used when you greet someone, knowing that they've traveled far or done something to prepare for the occasion. While its etymology is derived from the verb 疲れる tsukareru, meaning "to get tired," it's used in any situation when there is reason to acknowledge someone's work or effort. The phrase お疲れ様 otsukaresama is used among work colleagues, friends, and sometimes family members and acquaintances. The next two expressions may be more useful for people staying in Japan for an extended period or those who have already learned some Japanese and have Japanese friends to practice with.

Just say domo, with a smile and a slight bow. If you're visiting Japan as a tourist, you'll find it handy when a stranger holds the door open for you, shows you the way, or does something nice for you. It's also an adverb, meaning "somehow," and yes, it's the name of the NHK mascot character, Domo-Kun.

It can be used to show appreciation, apologize, and as a casual way of greeting someone. Whereas the various meanings of daijobu don't vary too much from "I'm OK" or "OK" in English, domo can't be easily explained and has a truly remarkable variety of possible meanings. どうも domo is probably one of the most versatile words in Japanese. Is a waiter worried that you won't be able to handle the spice level of the ramen you ordered (with a few notable exceptions, the spice level for Japanese food is usually mild compared to other countries, since most Japanese people have a relatively low tolerance for spicy food)? Daijobu! Would you prefer a knife and fork? (Holding up the chopsticks) Daijobu! Would you like to try some natto (fermented soybeans) with your rice? Daijobu. Moreover, just as "I'm good" or "I'm OK" can also be used to turn down an offer in English, 大丈夫 can be used for the same purpose. You can use it to express approval, to confirm that you're OK with something your interlocutor said, and even to reassure them if they seem concerned about you. So then, let's take a look at these four expressions:
In fact, having multiple meanings for a single expression can be rather convenient since it means you don't need to memorize multiple expressions and learn how to pronounce each one. However, his argument is premised on the notion that all learners prefer a one-to-one correspondence between the two languages when this is not necessarily the case. Koatan is playing this for humor, seeking to make his readers feel better by suggesting that their struggles in learning English can't compare to what non-Japanese speakers go through when they try to learn their language.