Harribance as having showcased an “upper beta” range during his psychic performance. The second one is that the 2012 study showcased Mr. Senehi as well as “psychic mediumship” in Mr. The first one is that the right parahippocampal gyrus area was activated during successful “telepathy” in Mr.

This would appear to be rather intriguing results based on two findings. The congruence of the region of activation during “telepathy” by Sean Harribance and Gerard Senehi, especially when the specific electromagnetic and cellular characteristics are considered, suggests the parahippocampal region may be a focus for exploration of the mechanisms by which these phenomena might occur.” “The raw data from the unique electroencephalographic pattern displayed by Sean Harribance during his intuitive state revealed a peak increase of power within the upper beta range (20-30 Hz) within the right parahippocampal region only. The comparison subject, who did not show any telepathic ability, demonstrated significant activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus.”Īnother study in 2012 in the International Journal of Yoga would verify whether a different person, a man named Sean Harribance would showcase the same neural correlates with “psychic” ability compared to the 2008 study. The results was as follows: “The mentalist demonstrated significant activation of the right parahippocampal gyrus after successful performance of a telepathic task.

About 8 months ago DMT Quest attempted to project the biological parameters for optimal conditions for successful “telepathic” transfer.A 2008 study in the International Journal of Yoga outlined the brain imaging of a man named Gerard Senehi during “Telepathic” transfer between himself and another subject. The subject also causes us to ask deeper questions about what we understand about outside electromagnetic influences on the brain and behavior. The controversial potential of “telepathic” communication is the fact that it might change what mainstream science “knows” about the origin of consciousness. He failed to succeed but as stated previously, we believe that it might coincide with the inability of analog EEG devices to measure brain waves above 25 Hz (Gamma). He developed the device in order to quantify what he believed to be the ability of humans to communicate “telepathically”. Like we stated in Part 3, the creator of the original EEG machine was a man named Hanz Berger. Let’s continue down the bunny hole of analyzation of commonalities amongst the “supernormal”… “paranormal”… or whatever you’d like to label it as. We’ve also included the EEG findings from Ayahuasca administration as well as DMT ingestion. We have “ Aha!” moments, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, electrically induced lucid dreaming, “ Out of Body Experiences”, REM Sleep, meditation, deep hypnosis (& subsequent anomalistic effects), “ Past Life Recollection”, hypnagogia, “ Near Death Experiences”, Deja Vu, “ Psychic Mediumship”, & “ The God Helmet” experiences. So far we’ve covered quite an array of topics that seem to coincide with Gamma Waves and potentially endogenous DMT synthesis.